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To clarify (again (I think)):

Moers is the first installment in this series, and is the webcomic named after the main species of the story. SFUS! is the sequel series to Moers, and shows more of the world.

The World of Wednesday is a planet as big as Earth, with equally as much stuff going on in it. In both main stories told here, we're only going to be focusing on one of the four main continents. Though, if I think of more stories to tell with this world, do be assured there will be more to see than what's already presented in SFUS!

About Moers (The Species)


A crudely drawn image of two moer eggs (one is smaller than the other). The eggs resemble a frog egg, having a translucent jelly-like exterior with the embryo and it's big ol' eyes visible enough to distinguish.

Moers are very mystical. They come into existence in the form of eggs, through an accumulation of stray organic matter (mostly dead things). These eggs rarely survive long enough to hatch on their own, making wild moers almost nonexistent. The eggs are usually taken into care by nearby civilization. In non-moer communities, finding and having the opportunity to raise one is seen as a blessing.

The eggs are much like a frog's egg; jelly-like and translucent. The only things you can see in the egg are the general shape of the body, it's big ol' eyes, and the color. The distinct lack of a solid shell makes it extremely vulnerable (and makes it a nice snack for any hungry passerby).